

*All payments should be made from the tenant Liaison.

  • Security Deposit: The deposit must be paid upon ratification of the lease. The deposit should be submitted immediately.
  • Rent Payment: Tenant Liaison pays rent via electronic deposit, through the online tenant portal. First month's rent is due on the first day of the lease. 
  • Required Payment Type: The only type of payment we accept are electronic ACH direct deposits through the Tenant Portal, or as otherwise instructed by Landlord/Agent.

Language From Lease

SECURITY DEPOSIT: UPON RATIFICATION OF THIS LEASE, Tenant shall, electronically- through theTenant Portal- deposit the sum of ____________________ which is   to be retained by Landlord/Agent   as   a security deposit for the performance by Tenant of all covenants, conditions and terms of this Lease, to be held and deposited in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia. Landlord shall not be obligated to apply the same on rent or other charges and arrears or on damages for Tenant's failure to perform said covenants, conditions and terms, although Landlord may so apply the security deposit at Landlord's option. Tenant's loss or Tenant's right to possession of the Premises for nonpayment of rent or for any other reason shall not in any event be affected by reason of the fact that Landlord/Agent holds the security deposit. In the event Landlord repossesses the Premises because of the Tenant's default or because of Tenant's failure to carry out the covenants, conditions and terms of this Lease, Landlord may apply such security deposit on account of all damages suffered by reason of Tenant's default or breach.

Pursuant to the D.C. Housing Code, after a tenancy is terminated, Landlord has forty-five (45) days to return the security deposit, or notify the Tenant in writing of his or her intention to withhold and apply the monies toward expenses incurred under the terms and conditions of this Lease. If Landlord elects to apply the security deposit to monies owed by Tenant to Landlord, either for rent, additional rent, or damages or any other sums, then Landlord shall notify Tenant that he/she intends to withhold the deposit and Landlord has thirty (30) days, from the date the Tenant was first notified, to refund the balance of the deposit that was not used to pay costs of expenses incurred, and at the same time will provide Tenant with an itemized statement, including costs, of the repairs for which the money was spent. In the event of multiple adult co-tenants, Tenant agrees that Landlord/Agent may return the entire security deposit to the Tenant Liaison, and the other individual Tenants shall obtain a refund of their security deposit from their Tenant Liaison.

If Tenant substitutes a new roommate in the Premises in accordance with Paragraph 24 hereof, Tenant shall collect from the new roommate its pro-rata share of the security deposit, plus any accrued interest. Tenant shall not look to the Landlord/Agent for a refund of its security deposit. Landlord/Agent shall have no further liability with respect to the return of the security deposit to Tenant.

All utility services at the Premises shall be ordered disconnected and all final bills paid by Tenant, with proof of receipts, or Landlord/Agent will deduct the amount of the final bills from Tenant’s security deposit. Interest shall be paid or credited Tenant in accordance with the provisions of the District of Columbia Housing Regulations. NO PORTION OF THE SECURITY DEPOSIT SHALL BE USED BY TENANT FOR ANY PAYMENT OF ANY RENT DUE.

In the event of a sale of the property upon which the Premises are situated or the transfer or assignment by Landlord of this Lease, Landlord shall transfer the security deposit to the transferee. After the transfer is made and written notice of same is given to Tenant with the name and address of the transferee, Landlord shall be released from all liability for the return of the security deposit. Tenant shall look solely to the new Landlord for the return of his or her security deposit. It is agreed that the foregoing will apply to every transfer or assignment made of the security deposit to a new Landlord. In the event of any rightful or permitted assignment of this Lease by Tenant to any assignee or sublessee, the security deposit is deemed to be held by Landlord as a deposit made by the assignee or sublessee and Landlord will have no further liability with respect to return of such security deposit to the assignor.

Landlord, or Landlord’s estate, but not the Agent (as defined below) or court appointed receiver, shall remain liable to the Tenant for the maintenance of the security deposit as required by law.

RENT PAYMENTS: Landlord requires that all rental payments be made by electronic ACH direct deposit through the Tenant Portal, or as otherwise instructed by Landlord/Agent. Tenant agrees to pay unto   Landlord/Agent duringthetermofthisLeasetotalrentinthesumof ______________________________ (“rent”).Rentalpaymentsaretobemadeinequal monthlyinstallmentsof __________________________said installment for each month being   due and payable on orbefore the1stdayofthemonthwithoutset-off,diminution,deductionordemandandsaidobligationtopayrentisindependent of any other clause herein. Failure to pay said rent at the time specified will constitute default and Landlord may use anyremedyaffordedunderthetermsofthisLeaseand/orapplicablelaw.Allsumsofmoneyorothercharges,including service charges, fees or other payments required to be paid by Tenant to Landlord/Agent or to any other person under the terms of this Lease, whether or not the same shall be designated "rent" or "additional rent", will be deemed “rent” and will be collectible assuch.

Initial Rental Payment of _________________________ is due upon DATE TENANT MOVES INTO THE Premises. If this Lease commences on a day other than the first of the month, the amount of rent to be paid for the balance of said first month will be apportioned pro-rata by Landlord; thereafter, rent

ADDITIONAL CHARGES: Tenant agrees that in the event Tenant fails to pay any installment of rent within five (5) days of the date on which it is due and payable, Tenant shall pay, additional to the rent, a late charge in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount due. However, the five (5) day late period is NOT a grace period. The monthly rent is due and payable on the first of each month. If the amount due is a service charge, fee or other payment  (other than the monthly rent), such amount shall be due upon transmission of the invoice by Landlord/Agent. The late charge must be paid as additional rent together with the rent then overdue and in arrears and acceptance of such payment is not a waiver of the requirement that monthly rent is due on the first day of the month and all other sums are due upon transmission of the invoice. Nothing in this Lease constitutes a waiver or limitation of Landlord/Agent's right to institute legal proceedings for rent, damages and/or repossession of the Premises for non-payment of any installment of rent when and as the same becomes due and payable. A service charge in the amount of $75 or the maximum permitted by law whichever is greater will be automatically made for each instance in which a check or electronic payment is dishonored for any reason.