

*Refer To This Helpful Article On Our Maintenance Policy

  • Requesting Repairs: Repair requests must be submitted through the tenant portal. If the request is not submitted through the portal, we are not authorized to assess the repair. If the repair is an emergency, submit a request through the portal and contact our after hours emergency line at 202-400-3685 (for after hours requests only).
  • Building Repairs
  • * If you live in a condo unit, the building might need to get involved in the repair. This will extend the length of time needed to complete the repair. We do what we can to speed the process along but we are not in any way connected to the HOA so we do not have control over this process. 
  • 1. HVAC: Some buildings centrally control the HVAC. If this is the case with your unit, any issues with the HVAC must be submitted to the building. To find out if your HVAC is controlled by the building, check section 20. of your lease, under the section titled "By Landlord". If a maintenance request is submitted for HVAC, and we send a repair tech, and the building is responsible, the Tenant will be billed for the cost. 
  • 2. Water Leak: If you live in a condo building and there is a leak coming in from the unit above, contact the building first and then submit a maintenance request for us. In most cases, the building will be responsible for this repair. 
  • 3. Electric: If there is a power outage in your unit, check with the electric utility company to see if there is an outage and then check with the building manager. If the issue is only affects your unit, submit a maintenance request.
  • Tenant Maintenance Responsibility: Living in a condo or property owned by a Landlord is very different than living in a full service apartment building. In a full service apartment building, repairs are baked into the cost of the rent. In a property or apartment owned by a Landlord, these costs are not baked in. Therefore, there is additional responsibilty and steps that the Tenant must take in order to not be billed for a service call. Refer to this article for additional details.
  • Time-line: Non Emergency repairs are responded to within 24-48 hours and completed within 48-72 hours after the initial response. The response time and time to complete the repair depends on the availability of parts/contractors. 
  • Property Access: We will provide notice prior to sending a contractor. The dates/times are dictated by the contractors. In most cases, the Tenant does not need to be home for the work to be completed. The contractors we work with provide us with a 3-8 hour window of time - exact times cannot be provided to tenant.

Language From Lease


By Tenant: Tenant must generally maintain the Premises in a clean, sanitary and safe condition. Such maintenance includes but is not limited to:

  • A.Maintaining the Premises in a clean and sanitary condition with prompt and regular disposing of all recycling, trash, garbage and waste in sealed containers. Tenant must deposit the sealed containers where designated for regular pick-up and promptly return the receptacles to their designated storage space in accordance with the rules and regulations established from time to time by Landlord/Agent, or the Association, if applicable. Tenant will abide by all local laws and regulations concerning the separation, special pick-up and removal of recyclables and trash (including large household items). Any fines incurred for failure to comply with said laws will be promptly paid by Tenant and Tenant will furnish receipt of payment to Landlord.
  • B.Using, operating and cleaning all appliances, equipment and systems in a safe and reasonable manner not to overload any appliances, equipment and systems.
  • C.Draining outside water spigots each fall.   (NOT APPLICABLE TO  APARTMENTS  OR CONDO UNITS.
  • D.Furnishing and replacing all light bulbs, batteries and fuses as needed and changing furnace and air conditioner filters at least every two (2) months. All filter replacements is a Tenant responsibility. Tenant is responsible for resetting garbage disposal, resetting circuit breakers, and cleaning of lint filter each time clothes dryer is used.
  • E.Keeping outside drains clear and free of debris. (NOT APPLICABLE TO APARTMENTS OR CONDO UNITS)
  • F.Clearing all plumbing fixtures located inside the premises with plunger. If backup cannot be cleared by Tenant, Landlord/Agent will snake plumbing fixture at Tenant’s expense, if the backup is caused by Tenant misuse or neglect as determined by the contractor.
  • G.Cutting, watering, and maintaining the lawn and pruning shrubbery; promptly removing ice and snow from all walks, steps, and drives; maintaining drains and grounds free of leaves and other debris. (NOT APPLICABLE TO APARTMENTS OR CONDO UNITS)
  • H.Removing any visible moisture accumulation in or on the Premises, including on walls, windows, floors, ceilings, and bathroom fixtures; mopping up spills and thoroughly drying affected areas as soon as possible after occurrence; using exhaust fans in kitchen and bathrooms; using a shower curtain or door at all times to keep floor by the shower and tub dry; and keeping climate and moisture in the Premises at reasonable levels, in Landlord/Agent’s sole discretion.
  • I.Replacing toilet flapper or insert (if toilet is running), and repairing toilet chain.
  • J.Notifying Landlord/Agent of any water leak, excessive moisture, or standing water inside the Premises or in common areas (Tenant may be liable for any damage or high water bill resulting in neglecting one of these issues).
  • K.Generally controlling and eliminating household pests including, but not limited to, fleas, ticks, roaches, silverfish, ants, crickets, bedbugs and rodents. If Landlord/Agent hires an exterminator, Tenant shall be responsible for such cost if there is proof, in Landlord/Agent’s sole discretion that Tenant’s acts, omissions or negligence contributed to the infestation of the pests.
  • L.Replacing broken glass and screens in windows and doors, flooring and drywall after first obtaining Landlord/Agent’s prior written consent.
  • M.Maintaining all carpeting and flooring in a clean and good condition. Tenant must not refinish or shellac the wood floors. Tenant must keep at least 80% of the floor area covered with rugs or carpeting.
  • N.Keeping the Premises adequately heated in order to avoid freezing pipes.
  • O.Making any repairs, alterations, or additions required by any governmental authority, the Association (if any), insurance company or the Agent due to Tenant’s use or occupancy.
  • P. Tenant agrees not to damage the Premises through any act or omission, and to be responsible for any damages sustained through the acts or omissions of Tenant, or Tenant’s family, invitees, licensees, employees, guests, visitors and/or pets. If such damage occurs, Tenant shall responsible for the expense of all repairs in addition to the monthly rent provided hereunder. Tenant shall pay the cost of any unnecessary service call and any cost incurred as a result of Tenant failing to keep appointments (or requiring appointments to be scheduled during overtime hours) with service persons who require access in order to make scheduled repairs.
  • Q.If Tenant is inadvertently locked out, Tenant agrees to call a licensed locksmith to provide access to the Premises. If a professional locksmith is necessary, Tenant agrees to pay any charges incurred at the time access is given. If the lock(s) must be re-keyed, Tenant agrees to provide the new key(s) to Landlord/Agent and to Tenant’s roommates, if applicable, within 24 hours.

Tenant will not place any heavy structures, furniture items or any such other articles in the Premises, including but not limited to, water beds, pianos, aquariums or any other heavy objects, without the prior written consent of Landlord/Agent. No items or equipment of any nature, including bicycles, motor bikes, and/or motorcycles, will be housed in front of the Premises, on porches or patios, in halls, stairways, common areas outside the Premises, corridors or fire escapes. No items or impediments are to be placed in the windows, upon ledges, balconies, or balcony rails. Tenant additionally covenants and agrees to comply with the responsibilities imposed on Tenant by Chapter 14 of the Housing Regulations of the District of Columbia, and any amendments thereto.

Tenant must promptly notify Landlord/Agent of any and all problems, defects, breakage, malfunction, damage, or maintenance request with respect to the Premises, and the equipment and fixtures contained therein, (with pictures) through the Tenant Portal or as otherwise instructed by Landlord/Agent. Tenant shall bear any expense for failure to do so. This covenant, however, does not obligate, nor shall it be construed or interpreted in any way to imply that Landlord/Agent is obligated or expected to repair or correct such defect, breakage, malfunction, or damage except as provided above. Landlord/Agent does not guarantee the working condition or repair of items within or outside the Premises which is not a violation of any housing code

By Landlord: Except as otherwise provided, Landlord (or the Association, if applicable) will maintain the structural portions and electrical, plumbing and heating systems of the Premises in good repair and condition and will be responsible for all major repairs not due to the fault or negligence of Tenant. Structural elements include, but are not limited to, the roof, floor and ceiling systems; bearing walls and partitions; columns, lintels, girders and load-bearing beams; foundation systems and footings; all interior stair-carriage systems; all necessary materials required for the joining, support, fastening or attachment of the foregoing items; all components of the exterior designed to prevent infiltration of water (i.e., paint, shingles, siding and trims); and hand railings, steps, sidewalks and driveways. Landlord will use best efforts to service the HVAC system two times per each calendar year (i.e.: spring and fall). Landlord is responsible for the repair and replacement of the appliances and equipment (such as washers/dryers and garbage disposals); provided, however, if the repair or replacement is due to the fault or negligence of Tenant, as determined by Landlord, then Tenant shall be financially responsible for the entire cost of the repair or replacement of the appliance or equipment. Tenant shall pay a $45 administrative fee for each service call, repair, and maintenance or replacement request.

Landlord will endeavor to make repairs in a reasonable amount of time and Tenant shall not withhold rent for any reason relating to repairs. In the event of a bona fide emergency, and if after reasonable effort, notification to Landlord/Agent proves impractical or impossible; Tenant may order reasonable and necessary repairs to alleviate an emergency condition at Landlord's expens e, through a licensed and insured contractor. Tenant must immediately notify Landlord/Agent in writing (with pictures) through the Tenant Portal about such emergency, the repairs and upload the receipt for the repairs to the Tenant Portal. If Landlord has a third party warranty, service contract, or preferred provider the time-frame to complete the repair or replacement is at the absolute discretion of the third party company and Tenant agrees not to hold the Landlord liable for delays and Tenant agrees not to withhold rent for delay in making repair.

FIREPLACE, CHIMNEYS, MISCELLANEOUS: Tenant acknowledges and agrees that any fireplace, chimney, wood burning stove and heatolater are not permitted to be used. Landlord does not guarantee that the refrigerator waterline and ice maker are in working condition. If they are in working condition and a malfunction occurs during the lease term, Landlord does not guarantee to fix or repair these items. Landlord agrees to maintain HVAC system, however, Landlord does guarantee equal airflow from HVAC venting system. No Repairs will be made to remedy lower airflow.



  • A. Entry by Landlord or its Employees/Agents/Contractors: It is understood that any notice by Tenant or any notice by Landlord/Agent for any repairs or services shall be deemed permission for Landlord or its Employees/Agents/Contractors to enter the Premises at a reasonable time without further notice to perform such repairs or services. Such repairs or services include: (i) routine inspection to determine Premises condition, (ii) make repairs, decorations, alterations or improvements; (iii) exhibit the Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagees, or Tenants. In the event that an individual is required and/or requested by Landlord/Agent to be present to allow access to a contractor/employee, Tenant agrees to be present to provide access. If Tenant is not able to be present during agreed upon time-frame, Agent may be present on behalf of Tenant and a service charge will be accessed to the tenant for this added service.
  • B. Emergency Entry: Landlord or its Employees/Agents/Contractors may enter the Premises immediately without notice to Tenant in an emergency situation as determined byLandlord/Agent.
  • C. Entry for Governmental Agency Inspection: Landlord/Agent may enter the Premises after due notice to Tenant when Landlord/Agent is required to allow access to the government agency responsible for an inspection. Tenant agrees to promptly provide such written consent when the same may be required by such government agency.
  • D. Entry for Good Cause: Landlord/Agent may enter the Premises after due notice to Tenant when Landlord/Agent has good cause to believe that Tenant may have breached the Lease or may be in violation of local or Federal law.
  • E. Entry for showing Premises: Tenant will permit Landlord/Agent to post a "For Rent" sign, along with a Key-Box for prospective tenants and agents' access, and to show the Premises at reasonable hours to prospective tenants during the last 60 days of the Lease. If the Premises are put on the market for sale during the tenancy Tenant will permit/Agent to post a "For Sale" sign, a Key-Box, and permission to show. If Tenant refuses to allow access to Landlord/ Agent as provided above, such refusal shall be a breach of this Lease and Landlord may obtain injunctive relief to compel access or may terminate this Lease, and bring an action for possession and damages sustained, including re-letting costs.

INSTALLATION OF LOCKBOX: Authorization is given by Tenant to install a lock box at the Premises for the convenience and use of Landlord or its Employees/Agents/Contractors to show the Premises to prospective Tenants and allow entry to inspectors, contractors, exterminators, appraisers or other parties. Tenant agrees for himself/herself, and assigns, to completely indemnify, save and hold harmless said Agent and employees of Agent from any and all claim, loss or liability arising from the use of said lock box.